Bonita Aluoch

Bonita Aluoch is a practicing Biochemist with a keen interest in food safety and security who is currently specializing in spectrometric analysis of drug residues and contaminants in food and feed.

She is a postgraduate student of biotechnology, seasoned traveler, hobbyist travel photographer and travel columnist for one of Kenya’s biggest newspapers The Standard.

Having a science background and seeing the massive opportunities women in science have at their disposal, Bonita takes keen interest to reach out to girls, make them aware of their right to education, leadership and be equal players in social-political-economic platforms.

Bonita runs an award-winning travel blog called Bonita on Safari which she uses as a tool of information on affordable travel destinations. The blog is a conversation starter on trending topics in travel, tourism and environmentally responsible tourism.

Bonita has found innovative and sustainable means of travelling which inspire women folk who start to engage with tourism from a human perspective. Through her traveling career, she’s used the opportunity to partner with various organizations giving talks to girls on matters STEM, Menstrual health, travel, photography, writing, and blogging.

Archery in Kenya
Maasai of Maasai Mara
Summiting Mount Kenya
Ziplining in Sagana Kenya.

Facilitating DW Akademie’s Women @Web workshop hosted by Siasa Place.
Catch flights,not feelings.

Welcome aboard!

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